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Frequently Asked Questions

Our Frequently Asked Questions section provides detailed answers to common queries about our services. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team.
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Most popular questions

We deliver websites in as little as 7 days.

If you’re not satisfied with our service within 30 days, we’ll give you a full refund.

Yes, all packages include reliable hosting.

Yes! Single and Basic sites include unlimited changes for 30 days. Advanced sites include unlimited edits forever. However, please note that a fair use policy applies to the unlimited edits to ensure requests are within reasonable limits and manageable. This means we are happy to accommodate frequent changes that help enhance your site, but excessive or abusive requests may be subject to review and moderation.

If you’re seeking bespoke design, UX/UI services, or custom development, contact Casper Creative for a tailored solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely. Every site we design is mobile-responsive, ensuring it looks and performs optimally on all devices – from desktops to smartphones.

Yes! Our sites are built on WordPress, allowing you easy access to update content. For our Brochure and Shop packages, you’ll be able to add unlimited pages and blog posts. What’s more, we offer unlimited edits, carried out by us for 30 days on all packages, and unlimited edits forever with our advanced sites*

Not at all. With our standard pricing, there’s no fixed contract. You can cancel anytime.
We schedule an annual review with you to discuss your website’s performance, suggesting potential improvements.
The 30-day money-back guarantee kicks off the day you place your order.
Upon ordering, you’ll get a questionnaire. We begin work on your site after you complete this.
After ordering and completing the questionnaire, we’ll have an initial consultation via Zoom to discuss your exact requirements.
Yes! If you prefer, we offer content management services, so you can focus on what you do best.
Definitely! You can upgrade at any time to suit your business’s evolving needs.